Slovak Journal for Educational Sciences / Slovenský časopis pre pedagogické vedy

Libor Bernát: History of Education, its Trajectories and Prospects

In the first part of the paper the author delineates the history of education and schools, he describes their importance and analyzes the differences in the category systems of history and methods of history and education. In the second part he describes the development of the object of history of schools and education. There is an open paradigm yet of history of schools and education. In the final part, the author sums up the tasks for quality and detailed historiografical study of schools and education in Slovakia, for management of educational institutions, proposing and solving top projects and for expansion of researchers community.

PEDAGOGIKA SK 2010, Vol. 1, (No. 1: 31-46)

Key words: history, history of education and schools, styles of historiography, heuristics, paradigm